Incorrect braking technique
I can almost guarantee that you ride motorcycles on public roads if you are a track rider and that you know how to brake. However, that habit on the track is eating your lap times.
The Best braking technique on the road is to slowly progressively increase your braking power which you are all familiar with but on the track where speed is the goal this is the wrong technique. Avoid carrying this habit of progressively increasing the braking power into the track and keep it back on the public roads.

Correct braking technique: Trail braking
On the track where speed is the objective and not longer
Trail Braking is the technique you want to use instead. To trail brake, quickly yet smoothly (don't abruptly jump the brake and jam the brakes) directly increase to your maximum braking power, and then slowly taper off the brake power by gradually letting go of the braking lever before heading into a corner. You have now successfully performed Trail braking.

Trail braking is crucial in overtaking as well as cutting down lap times. Start by trail braking on one corner at a time and when you get comfortable with this new skill you can replace your old habit permanently on the track.
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